Community of Hope & Healing: An iTHIRST Bereavement Ministry

iTHIRST bereavement ministry: Community of Hope and Healing.
Monthly Virtual Meetings
Second Tuesday of the Month
7:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Eastern Time
MISSION: This ministry derives from the need to bring those who have lost a loved one to addiction together for fellowship and spiritual consolation. We grieve not only the loss of our loved one but also the fraught experience of that beloved’s time of addiction. Whether it involvesa substance or a behavior, the afflicted are often misunderstood, marginalized, and stigmatized.
When we grieve their loss, we often carry the pain of this with us after they have gone. We know that we benefit from sharing our unique experience and learning to see it from a spiritual perspective. We invite anyone who is grieving this kind of loss to join us for these monthly virtual meetings every second Tuesday of the month from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm Eastern Time.
Bereavement Team:
Melinda Papaccio
Laurel Plumage
Lynn Tidgwell