iTHIRST Training
Winter Wheat Cenacle 146 Danforth Avenue, Paterson, NJ, United StatesLunch included All are welcome RSVP by March 7th keaton@ithirstinitiative.org
Recovery Mass and Dialogue
Seton Hall University 400 South Orange Avenue, South Orange, NJ, United StatesCome join in the dialogue between students, recovery experts and recovery allies!
iTHIRST ‘Virtual” Spiritual Companionship Training
NJ, United StatesDiocese of Camden. Registration for this event is closed.
iTHIRST Training
Winter Wheat Cenacle 146 Danforth Avenue, Paterson, NJ, United StatesLunch included All are welcome RSVP by March 7th keaton@ithirstinitiative.org
Archdiocese of Boston Spiritual Companionship Training
VirtualOctober - December , 2020- Admission is Closed.
The iTHIRST Initiative in conjunction with Seton Hall University
VirtualThe iTHIRST Initiative in conjunction with Seton Hall University invites you to answer the Church’s call to be a beacon of hope to those suffering from addiction. Please consider becoming a […]
The iTHIRST Initiative in conjunction with Seton Hall University
VirtualThe iTHIRST Initiative in conjunction with Seton Hall University invites you to answer the Church’s call to be a beacon of hope to those suffering from addiction. Please consider becoming a […]
The iTHIRST Initiative in conjunction with Seton Hall University
VirtualSessions are scheduled every Tuesday and Thursday, from 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm. All sessions are VIRTUAL. For course registration: http://www.shu.edu/ithirstprogram For further information, please contact the Department of Continuing […]
The Hope Zone
VirtualThis week we welcome guest host Don Hebert. Zoom Meeting ID: 861 2614 0247 Passcode: 303191 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86126140247?pwd=SlhiTkZ1VWZMcWtuTTdQL1VnakpGUT09 This recovery and faith fellowship welcomes those whose lives have been affected […]